Ein cleverer Autor, gleich welchen Geschlechts, will ja vom Schreiben leben, oder, wie Fauser es sagte: „Ich bin Geschäftsmann, writing is my business.“ Der böse Bube ist sozusagen das Pin-up des heutigen Literaturbetriebs, ein ziemlich risikoloser Entwurf, die männliche Variante des Marketingmodells Fräuleinwunder oder Schöne Debütantin.

Alles Gute, Macker! — der Freitag
The Snowden action figure can be purchased for $99 at thatsmyface.com, which until recenly offered a 10% discount using the promo code NSA. Whilst they claim that some of the proceeds do go to the Freedom of the Press Foundation, turns out the organisation has never endorsed this company.

Valley of the Meatpuppets | superflux
It seems the Mall Galleries’ clientele can cope with nudes, so long as the model is a more passive and unthreatening recipient of the wandering viewer’s gaze. Which all seems a desperately outmoded form of prudishness, like the wartime strippers at London’s Windmill club who were allowed to pose naked, by the Lord Chamberlain’s reluctant acquiescence, so long as they didn’t move. They posed with one foot forward, obscuring any glimpse of “the fork” (ie vulva). The implication’s clear: the minute a woman is alive and free to move, an active agent of her own sexuality, she is a menace to society.

How is this painting 'pornographic' and 'disgusting'? | The Guardian
Silencing ist keine politische Kritik. Es ist Entpolitisierung von Widerspruch.
Männliche Anspruchshaltung und Frauen im Internet
Wissenschaftliche Studien besagen übrigens, dass für Frauen Sex mit sich selbst und mit anderen Frauen sehr viel häufiger zu Orgasmen führt. Mainstreamporno bildet dieses Wissen vielleicht etwas ungenau ab.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch?
Painting, Berger argued, had not on the whole been about presenting the truth, but about advertising the lifestyle of the rich as fantastic and powerful. / All that #foodporn is still-life; all those #selfies, self-portraits. All those vacation vistas are #landscape; art-historically speaking, #beachday pics evoke the hoariest cliché of middle-class leisure iconography. (As for the #nudes, I guess they are going on over on Snapchat.)

Instagram and Art Theory | Ben Davis
Du liest doch vorher die AGBs durch, bevor du Software auf deinem Computer installierst?

Cybermobbing: Lauras Entblößung | Zeit