Warhol: I think everybody should be a machine. I think everybody should like everybody. Art News: Is that what Pop Art is all about? Warhol: Yes. It’s liking things. Art News: And liking things is like being a machine? Warhol: Yes, because you do the same thing every time. You do it over and over again.

I Liked Everything I Saw on Facebook for Two Days. Here’s What It Did to Me | WIRED
When, after a thunderstorm passes, your daughter points out the window and demands “more” rain, she’s not indicating a poor understanding of weather-system function. She’s envisioning a world where her startup’s innovative tech solutions render drought obsolete.

“Lean In” for Toddlers - The New Yorker
Famous people aren’t like regular people, they’re better. So this was a huge deal.

How I Became Thousands of Nerds' Worst Enemy by Tweeting a Photo
The original Mrs. von Trapp had access to birth control and chose to stop having children after Liesl.

Classic Movies Changed to Not Be Sexist.
Ein weiterer 28-jähriger Mitarbeiter bei Yelp hat einen Doktortitel in Mathematik. Seine Dissertation zur Genkartierung verwandelte er in ein Produkt für die Marketing-Abteilung von Yelp. Der gleich Algorithmus misst heute, wie mehrere kleine Änderungen an Online-Anzeigen die Verbraucher beeinflussen.

Die schwierige Suche nach Datenwissenschaftlern - WSJ.de